👩‍💻Identifying Website Technologies

Identifying Website Technologies 🕵️‍♂️💻

Understanding the technologies behind a website is crucial for various purposes, from security assessments to compatibility testing. Here are some tools and methods to help you identify the technologies used by a website:

1. BuiltWith:

  • Description: BuiltWith is a web service that allows you to discover the technology stack of a website. It provides information about web hosting, content delivery networks (CDN), analytics, and more.

  • Usage: BuiltWith

2. Wappalyzer:

  • Description: Wappalyzer is a browser extension that identifies the technologies used on websites, including content management systems (CMS), e-commerce platforms, web frameworks, and more.

  • Usage: Wappalyzer

3. Security Headers:

  • Description: Security Headers is a web service that checks a website's HTTP response headers for security-related information. It helps identify security mechanisms and practices implemented on the site.

4. WhatRuns:

  • Description: WhatRuns is a browser extension that detects technologies, frameworks, and libraries used on websites. It provides insights into the technology stack, including JavaScript frameworks, server information, and more.

  • Usage: WhatRuns

5. Shodan:

  • Description: Shodan is a search engine for discovering devices connected to the internet. It can provide information about a website's infrastructure, including web servers, databases, and more.

  • Usage: Shodan

6. URLscan:

  • Description: URLscan is a service that analyzes websites and provides information about the technologies used, including JavaScript libraries, CMS, and more.

  • Usage: URLscan

7. Web Technology Detector (WTD):

  • Description: WTD is an online tool that detects and displays the technologies used on a website. It covers various aspects, including web servers, programming languages, and analytics.

8. CMS Detector:

  • Description: CMS Detector is a web tool that identifies the content management system (CMS) used by a website. It can be helpful in determining the underlying structure of a site.

9. Browser Developer Tools:

  • Description: Browser developer tools, such as those in Chrome or Firefox, can be used to inspect network requests, review the source code, and identify technologies used in building a website.

10. Whois Lookup:

- **Description:** Performing a WHOIS lookup on the domain can provide information about the website's registration details, including the hosting provider.

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