👻HOLO (thm)


So first I look at the network

then I scan the range that is given to us:

scope of the engagement is 10.200.x.0/24 

So we discover a webpage that is fueled by wordpress version 5.5.3:

we see a www.holo.live button so we can consider this is a valid host to add in /etc/hosts and when we reload the page we have this:

Now we launch our gobuster:

gobuster vhost -u holo.live -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomai\u2502

dir mode is used to discover directories and files on a web server.

And vhost is designed to discover virtual hosts (subdomains) on a web server.

How It Works: Gobuster makes requests to the target server with different subdomain names (from a specified wordlist) in the Host header. It checks if the server responds differently for different subdomain names, indicating the presence of virtual hosts.

Key Differences

  • Target: dir targets directories and files within a domain, while vhost targets subdomains or virtual hosts.

  • HTTP Requests: In dir mode, the path component of the URL changes; in vhost mode, the Host header changes.

  • Discovery Goals: dir mode is for finding hidden content within a single domain, whereas vhost mode is for discovering additional subdomains that might provide different content or services.

and find the following domains:

Found: dev.holo.live (Status: 200) [Size: 7515]
Found: admin.holo.live (Status: 200) [Size: 1845]
Found: www.holo.live (Status: 200) [Size: 21405] 

so we add them:

feroxbuster is not installed, so now we need to discover subdomains on the different domains

feroxbuster -u http://DOMAIN.holo.live -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -x php -s 200 -d 1

We discover some interesting stuff such as this img.php, probably used to load images through GET/POST requests:

So we capture the request of the dev.holo.live/img.php ->

And we are able to test for LFI:

So maybe we can access to the supersecret file ->

Last updated