
Pass the hash (PtH) is a type of attack used in the context of Windows authentication. In this attack, an attacker captures the NTLM hash of a user's password and uses it to authenticate to a remote system without ever cracking or learning the plaintext password. This is possible because Windows systems use NTLM hashes for authentication in many situations, even when the original password is a plaintext string.

We are going to start with crackmapexec:

crackmapexec smb -u fcastle -d MARVEL.local -p Password1
  • smb: This specifies the protocol to use for the scan. In this case, SMB (Server Message Block) is chosen, which is a common protocol used for sharing files, printers, and serial ports in a network.

  • This is the IP range to scan. In this case, it's scanning the subnet, which includes all IP addresses from to

Now another variation:

crackmapexec smb -u administrator -H [NTLM1 hash] --local-auth

-H [NTLM1 hash]: This specifies the NTLM hash of the password to use for the scan. In this case, the hash is provided in the command itself, enclosed in square brackets. 6. --local-auth`: This option tells CrackMapExec to use the credentials provided in the command to authenticate locally on each target machine before attempting to connect shares

you can add a --shares to enumerate shares for the users

or see plenty of other commands with:

crackmapexec smb -L

cmedb is a database tool used by CrackMapExec (CME) to store and manage data related to penetration testing and post-exploitation activities.

Last updated