
Python Strings for Beginners 🐍🔤


  • Example: my_string = 'Hello, World!' or my_string = "Hello, World!"

Accessing Characters:

  • You can access individual characters within a string using indexing, starting from 0.

    • Example: print(my_string[0]) would output 'H'.

String Concatenation:

  • You can concatenate (join) two or more strings using the + operator.

    • Example: greeting = 'Hello' + ' ' + 'World!' would result in 'Hello World!'.

String Length:

  • The len() function can be used to determine the length (number of characters) of a string.

    • Example: print(len(my_string)) would output the length of the string.

String Slicing:

  • You can extract a substring from a string using slicing, specifying the start and end indices.

    • Example: substring = my_string[7:12] would extract the substring 'World'.

String Methods:

  • Python provides various built-in methods to manipulate and transform strings.

    • Examples include upper(), lower(), strip(), split(), replace(), find(), count(), and more.

    • Example: print(my_string.upper()) would output 'HELLO, WORLD!'.

String Formatting:

  • String formatting allows you to embed values within a string. This can be done using the % operator or the format() method.

    • Example

  • name = 'Alice'
    age = 30
    print("My name is %s and I'm %d years old." % (name, age))
    # Output: My name is Alice, and I'm 30 years old.

Escape Characters:

  • Strings can include special characters using escape sequences. Common escape characters include (newline), (tab), \\ (backslash), etc.

escaped_string = "This is a multi-line string.\nIt spans multiple lines using the escape character."

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