⛰️Hunting Subdomains

Hunting Subdomains 🎯🌐

Discovering subdomains is a crucial aspect of reconnaissance, whether you're a security professional or just curious about the online footprint of a domain. Here are some tools and techniques to help you hunt for subdomains effectively:

1. Sublist3r:

  • Description: Sublist3r is a powerful subdomain enumeration tool that utilizes various search engines and APIs to discover subdomains associated with a target domain.

  • Usage:

    python sublist3r.py -d example.com

2. Amass:

  • Description: Amass is an open-source tool that helps with subdomain discovery by actively querying multiple intelligence sources, performing DNS scraping, and more.

  • Usage:

    amass enum -d example.com

3. Censys Subdomain Finder:

  • Description: Censys offers a subdomain finder that leverages its extensive internet-wide scans to provide comprehensive subdomain information.

4. Subfinder:

  • Description: Subfinder is a subdomain discovery tool designed to find valid subdomains using passive online sources.

  • Usage:

    subfinder -d example.com

5. Google Dorking:

  • Description: Utilize Google's advanced search operators (dorks) to discover subdomains indexed by the search engine.

  • Example:

    site:example.com -www

6. DNS Dumpster:

  • Description: DNS Dumpster is an online service that provides DNS information about a target domain, including discovered subdomains.

7. Certspotter:

  • Description: Certspotter is a tool that monitors Certificate Transparency logs, helping identify subdomains based on SSL/TLS certificates.

  • Usage:

    certspotter -d example.com

8. OWASP Amass:

  • Description: OWASP Amass is a versatile tool for subdomain enumeration, DNS name resolution, and network mapping.

  • Usage:

    amass enum -d example.com

9. Aquatone:

  • Description: Aquatone is a reconnaissance tool that can discover subdomains, take screenshots, and gather other information about a target.

  • Usage:

    aquatone-discover -d example.com

Last updated