📸Image OSINT

Reverse Image Searching

Google Image Search - https://images.google.com

Yandex - https://yandex.com

TinEye - https://tineye.com

Viewing EXIF Data

EXIF (Exchangeable image file format) data is metadata embedded within an image file, providing information about various aspects of the photograph. It's commonly associated with JPEG, TIFF, and other image file formats. Here are some key components of EXIF data:

  1. Camera Settings:

    • Make and Model: The brand and model of the camera used to capture the image.

    • Orientation: The orientation of the camera at the time of capturing the photo.

    • Date and Time: The date and time when the photo was taken.

  2. Image Settings:

    • Resolution: The dimensions of the image in pixels (width x height).

    • Compression: Information about the compression settings used for the image.

    • Color Space: The color space (e.g., sRGB) in which the image is encoded.

    • White Balance: The white balance settings at the time of capture.

  3. Camera Parameters:

    • Aperture: The size of the lens aperture (f-number) during image capture.

    • Shutter Speed: The exposure time or how long the camera's shutter was open.

    • ISO Speed: The sensitivity of the camera's sensor to light.

  4. Geolocation Information:

    • GPS Coordinates: Latitude, longitude, and altitude where the photo was taken if the device has a GPS sensor.

    • Location Name: A human-readable location name corresponding to the GPS coordinates.

  5. Software Information:

    • Software Name: The name of the software or application used to process or edit the image.

    • Software Version: The version number of the software.

  6. User Comments:

    • User-Defined Text: A field where users can add comments or textual information.

  7. Camera Identification:

    • Serial Number: The serial number of the camera used to capture the image.

EXIF data serves various purposes, including helping photographers track and analyze their shooting conditions, aiding in photo organization, and providing valuable information for forensic analysis or investigations. Keep in mind that while EXIF data can be informative, it may also contain sensitive information such as location details, so it's important to consider privacy implications, especially when sharing images online.

Image you can try playing with: https://cdn.fs.teachablecdn.com/G0XVtAlUTOaG2LIh7UVV

Online EXIF data viewer: https://jimpl.com/

Identifying Geographical Locations

GeoGuessr - https://www.geoguessr.com

GeoGuessr - The Top Tips, Tricks and Techniques - https://somerandomstuff1.wordpress.com/2019/02/08/geoguessr-the-top-tips-tricks-and-techniques/

Last updated