🎠Common Pentest Findings

Common Pentest Findings - Documentation

1. Insufficient Authentication Controls

  • Description: Lack of robust authentication mechanisms exposing systems to unauthorized access.

  • Recommendations: Implement strong authentication methods, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and regular access reviews.

2. Weak Password Policy

  • Description: Inadequate password requirements making it easier for attackers to compromise credentials.

  • Recommendations: Enforce complex password policies, regular password changes, and educate users on password best practices.

3. Insufficient Patching

  • Description: Failure to apply timely security patches, leaving systems vulnerable to known exploits.

  • Recommendations: Establish a patch management process, regularly update systems, and prioritize critical vulnerabilities.

4. Default Credentials

  • Description: Using default usernames and passwords, creating an easy target for attackers.

  • Recommendations: Change default credentials immediately upon system deployment and use strong, unique passwords.

5. Insufficient Encryption

  • Description: Lack of proper encryption for sensitive data in transit or at rest.

  • Recommendations: Implement encryption protocols for communication channels and encrypt sensitive data stored on servers.

6. Information Disclosure

  • Description: Unintended exposure of sensitive information to unauthorized users.

  • Recommendations: Conduct thorough data classification, restrict access to sensitive data, and implement proper error handling.

7. Username Enumeration

  • Description: Attackers can identify valid usernames through enumeration techniques.

  • Recommendations: Implement account lockout policies and ensure error messages do not reveal valid usernames.

8. Default Web Pages

  • Description: Default web pages and directories revealing unnecessary information.

  • Recommendations: Remove default pages, restrict directory listings, and customize error pages to limit information exposure.

9. IKE Aggressive Mode

  • Description: Using aggressive mode in IKE (Internet Key Exchange) for VPN connections, potentially exposing sensitive information.

  • Recommendations: Configure VPNs to use main mode and employ strong pre-shared keys.

10. Unexpected Perimeter Services

  • Description: Unnecessary services exposed to the internet, increasing the attack surface.

  • Recommendations: Regularly audit and close unnecessary ports, services, and protocols.

11. Insufficient Traffic Blocking

  • Description: Lack of proper network segmentation and controls allowing unauthorized traffic.

  • Recommendations: Implement firewall rules, segment networks, and control traffic flow to limit lateral movement.

12. Undetected Malicious Activity

  • Description: Presence of malicious activities not detected by existing security controls.

  • Recommendations: Enhance detection capabilities, conduct regular security audits, and improve incident response procedures.

13. Historical Account Compromises

  • Description: Accounts compromised in the past, potentially leading to persistent threats.

  • Recommendations: Investigate historical compromises, reset credentials, and monitor for suspicious activities.

Last updated