Reversing ELF


Ok, so I start by doing:

strings crackme2

I find the secret password:

and with a quick

chmod 777 Crackme2
./Crackme2 super_secret_password

You find the flag


for this one, i just ran strings crackme3 and found something that popped ->

This looks like a base64 encoded message →

Indeed, it is 😄


With a quick strings crackme4 we find the usage so ./crackme4 password

and we see something about strcmp function, so we might need to use gdb debugger ->

I open up the file using gdb with gdb crackme4 command and then look at the different functions using info functions

So there we get the name of the functions, we just need to spot the interesting ones

we have 2/3 funcs that seem interesting, but we'll only look at the strcmp@plt one since it's mentioned in the strings ->

What is strcmp@plt?

  • PLT (Procedure Linkage Table):

    • The PLT is a mechanism used in ELF binaries for dynamic linking. When a program uses shared libraries, function calls to these libraries are initially routed through the PLT.

    • The entry in the PLT for strcmp is used to resolve the actual address of strcmp at runtime. This allows the program to dynamically link to the correct function in the shared library.

We then set a breakpoint at the memory address of the function

In software development, a breakpoint is an intentional stopping or pausing place in a program, put in place for debugging purposes and to help acquire knowledge about a program during its execution.

b *0x0000000000400520

So here i set a breakpoint to be able to run it with a test value to see it run UNTIL it hits the breakpoint

  • Breakpoint Set: You set a breakpoint at the PLT entry for strcmp.

  • Program Start: You run the program with test as an argument.

  • Breakpoint Hit: Execution stops at 0x400520, the PLT entry for strcmp.

(gdb) b *0x0000000000400520
(gdb) run test
  • This command (b *0x0000000000400520) sets a breakpoint at the address 0x400520, which corresponds to the strcmp@plt entry.

  • This means the program will pause execution when it reaches the PLT entry for the strcmp function.

  • and the run test command starts running the program /home/felix/Bureau/assembyAndReverse/crackme4 with test as the command-line argument.

Then we try a new command to go and check out the registers ->

(gdb) info registers

if we run the following command we will be able to access various memory parts of the system:

(gdb) x/s 0x7fffffffe36a
  • x: The x command in GDB is short for "examine". It allows you to view the contents of memory at a specified address.

  • /s: The /s modifier specifies the format in which to display the memory contents. The s stands for "string". When you use /s, GDB interprets the memory at the specified address as a null-terminated string (a sequence of characters ending with a \0).

  • 0x7fffffffe36a: This is the address in memory that you want to examine. In this case, 0x7fffffffe36a is a specific memory address in the program's address space.

And after displaying a few addresses that are not valuable, I find the one that we are looking for:


Ok so first we can see what the program does ->

Using info functions, we find some interesting functions ->

So now we create a breakpoint with the memory of the strncmp@plt function ->

b *0x0000000000400560

We then run test ->

and when we show the registers and output, the values of Rex and rcx ->

x/s tells GDB to examine the memory at the specified address and interpret it as a null-terminated string

Output: 0x7fffffffdef0: "OfdlDSA|3tXb32~X3tX@sX4tXtz\377\177"`

  • This output indicates that at memory address 0x7fffffffdef0, GDB found a sequence of characters that form the string "OfdlDSA|3tXb32~X3tX@sX4tXtz\377\177"`.

  • This string includes printable ASCII characters, and it ends with non-printable characters represented by escape sequences: \377 (octal for 255) and \177 (octal for 127).


Ok so no important information without digging but since it says source, we might need ghidra ->



The atoi() function is a function in the C programming language that converts a string into an integer numerical representation. I can convert the -0x35010ff3 value to decimal

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