
Sigma is an open-source generic signature language developed by Florian Roth & Thomas Patzke to describe log events in a structured format. This allows for quick sharing of detection methods by security analysts.

Sigma rules are written in YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML), a data serialisation language that is human-readable and useful for managing data.

Sigma Syntax

title: WMI Event Subscription
id: 0f06a3a5-6a09-413f-8743-e6cf35561297
status: test
description: Detects creation of WMI event subscription persistence method.
   product: windows    
   category: wmi_event 
    EventID:  # This shows the search identifier value
      - 19    # This shows the search's list value
      - 20
      - 21
  condition: selection
    - Exclude legitimate (vetted) use of WMI event subscription in your network
level: medium
  - attack.persistence # Points to the MITRE tactic.
  - attack.t1546.003   # Points to the MITRE technique.      
  • Status: Describes the stage in which the rule maturity is at while in use. There are five declared statuses that you can use:

    • Stable: The rule may be used in production environments and dashboards.

    • Test: Trials are being done to the rule and could require fine-tuning.

    • Experimental: The rule is very generic and is being tested. It could lead to false results, be noisy, and identify interesting events.

    • Deprecated: The rule has been replaced and would no longer yield accurate results. Therelated field is used to create associations between the current rule and one that has been deprecated.

    • Unsupported: The rule is not usable in its current state (unique correlation log, homemade fields).

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