
SearchSploit: A Quick Guide for Exploit Searching

SearchSploit is a powerful tool used for searching, indexing, and retrieving exploits from multiple databases. It simplifies the process of finding relevant exploits for known vulnerabilities. Below is a quick guide on using SearchSploit:

**1. Installation:

SearchSploit is typically pre-installed in Kali Linux. If you don't have it, you can install it using the following command:

sudo apt-get install exploitdb

2. Basic Usage:

  • Search by Keyword:

    • Use SearchSploit to find exploits related to a specific software or vulnerability by providing a keyword. For example:

      searchsploit <keyword>

      Replace <keyword> with the software or vulnerability you're interested in.

  • Search by Exact Match:

    • If you want an exact match for a term, enclose it in double quotes. For example:

      searchsploit "Apache Struts"
  • Search by Platform:

    • Specify the target platform using the -w option. For example, to search for Windows exploits:

      searchsploit -w windows

3. Advanced Searching:

  • Search by CVE:

    • Look for exploits associated with a specific CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) identifier. For example:

      searchsploit -c <CVE>

      Replace <CVE> with the CVE identifier.

  • Search by EDB-ID:

    • Search for a specific exploit by its Exploit Database (EDB) identifier. For example:

      searchsploit -x <EDB-ID>

      Replace <EDB-ID> with the exploit's EDB identifier.

4. Viewing Exploits:

  • View Details:

    • View details about a particular exploit, including its path, platform, author, and description. For example:

      searchsploit -p 12345

      Replace 12345 with the EDB-ID of the exploit.

  • Copy Exploit:

    • Copy an exploit to the current directory for further analysis or use. For example:

      searchsploit -m 12345

      Replace 12345 with the EDB-ID of the exploit.

5. Updating SearchSploit:

  • Update Database:

    • Keep your SearchSploit database up-to-date by regularly updating it. Use the following command:

      searchsploit -u

6. Notes:

  • SearchSploit may have false positives or outdated entries. Always verify the suitability of an exploit for your target system.

  • Use SearchSploit responsibly and ethically. Ensure you have proper authorization before attempting to use any exploits.

Last updated