0️⃣0️⃣ Understanding IP

Understanding IP Addresses and ifconfig Command


IP addresses are crucial identifiers in computer networks, enabling communication between devices. The ifconfig command provides a snapshot of network configuration on a Unix-like system.

Executing ifconfig:


This command reveals detailed information about network interfaces, including IP addresses, MAC addresses, and more.

IP Address Types:

IPv4 (inet):

  • IPv4 addresses are the traditional numerical labels assigned to devices on a network.

  • In the ifconfig output, IPv4 addresses are denoted by the keyword inet.

IPv6 (inet6):

  • IPv6 addresses are a more modern and expansive system to accommodate the increasing number of devices.

  • In the ifconfig output, IPv6 addresses are denoted by the keyword inet6.

IP Address Classes:

IP addresses are categorized into classes, traditionally denoted as A, B, and C classes. These classes represent different ranges of IP addresses.

A, B, C Classes:

  1. Class A ( to

    • Suitable for large networks.

    • First octet represents the network, and the remaining three octets represent hosts.

  2. Class B ( to

    • Balances between network and host capacity.

    • First two octets represent the network, and the remaining two octets represent hosts.

  3. Class C ( to

    • Suitable for smaller networks.

    • First three octets represent the network, and the last octet represents hosts.

Additional Insights:

  • Network Mask: The subnet mask specifies the network portion of an IP address.

  • MAC Address: The hardware address uniquely identifying a network interface.

  • RX, TX: Indicate received and transmitted data, respectively.

Practical Use:

Understanding IP addresses is essential for network administrators, security professionals, and enthusiasts. Use ifconfig to inspect network configurations, diagnose issues, and gain insights into your system's connectivity.

For more in-depth exploration of IP addresses and networking concepts, consider referring to official documentation or online tutorials.

Last updated