🥽Google Search

Mastering Google Search Syntax 🌐🔍

Google is a powerful search engine, and mastering its search syntax allows you to refine your searches and find information more efficiently. Here's a guide to mastering Google search syntax for precise and effective results:

  • Enter your query in the search bar. Google will search for all the words you entered.

  • Example: Python tutorials

  • Use double quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.

  • Example: "Machine Learning"

3. Exclude Words:

  • Use a minus sign (-) before a word to exclude it from the search.

  • Example: Python -snake

  • Use the site: operator to search within a specific site or domain.

  • Example: site:wikipedia.org Python

  • Use the filetype: operator to search for specific file types.

  • Example: filetype:pdf Python documentation

  • Use an asterisk (*) as a placeholder for any unknown word.

  • Example: Machine Learning *

  • Use the related: operator to find sites similar to a specified domain.

  • Example: related:github.com

  • Use two periods (..) to specify a range of numbers.

  • Example: Python release notes 3.0..3.9

9. Definitions:

  • Use the define: operator to get definitions of words.

  • Example: define:algorithm

10. Calculator:

- Enter a mathematical expression directly into the search bar for quick calculations.
- Example: `10 * 25`

11. Unit Conversions:

- Use the search bar for unit conversions.
- Example: `100 USD to EUR`

12. Time & Weather:

- Enter "time" followed by a city to get the current time.
- Example: `time London`
- Enter "weather" followed by a location for current weather information.
- Example: `weather New York`

13. Sunrise & Sunset:

- Enter "sunrise" or "sunset" followed by a city to get the respective times.
- Example: `sunrise Paris`

14. Stock Information:

- Enter a stock symbol to get current stock information.
- Example: `AAPL`

15. Social Media Mentions:

- Use `@` before a word to find social media mentions.
- Example: `@OpenAI`
- Use the tilde (~) before a word to include synonyms in your search.
- Example: `~fast food`
- Use the `link:` operator to find pages linking to a specific URL.
- Example: `link:google.com`

18. Info & Stats:

- Use the `info:` operator to get information about a page.
- Example: `info:wikipedia.org`

Last updated