👯‍♀️Front End Components


HTML is at the very core of any web page we see on the internet.

Here is a simple structure of what a web page could look like:

URL Encoding

All other characters outside of the ASCII character-set have to be encoded within a URL. URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a % symbol followed by two hexadecimal digits.

For example, the single-quote character ''' is encoded to '%27', which can be understood by browsers as a single-quote. URLs cannot have spaces in them and will replace a space with either a + (plus sign) or %20.

A full character encoding table can be seen here.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

CSS is used alongside HTML to format and set the style of HTML elements.

CSS defines the style of each HTML element or class between curly brackets {}, within which the properties are defined with their values (i.e. element { property : value; }).

this is why we may set unique IDs or class names for certain HTML elements so that we can later refer to them within CSS or JavaScript when needed.


JavaScript is usually used on the front end of an application to be executed within a browser. Still, there are implementations of back end JavaScript used to develop entire web applications, like NodeJS.

While HTML and CSS are mainly in charge of how a web page looks, JavaScript is usually used to control any functionality that the front end web page requires. Without JavaScript, a web page would be mostly static and would not have much functionality or interactive elements.

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