🪂Getting the Lay of the Land

Gathering network information is a crucial part of our enumeration. We cna look for dual-homed hosts to move to an internal network, gather information about the local domain, view the ARP cache for each interface and view other hosts the host has recently communicated with.

check Interface(s), IP Address(es), DNS Information >

C:\htb> ipconfig /all

check ARP Table >

C:\htb> arp -a

check Routing Table >

C:\htb> route print

Next step is to enumerate protections on the host that could be monitoring us or blockin our action such as blocking non-admin users from running cmd.exe or powershell.exe or other binaries and file types not needed for their day-to-day work. A popular solution offered by Microsoft is AppLocker. We can use the GetAppLockerPolicy cmdlet to enumerate the local, effective (enforced), and domain AppLocker policies.

We can start by Checking Windows Defender Status >

PS C:\htb> Get-MpComputerStatus
AntivirusEnabled                : True

Then to get more informations, we can List AppLocker Rules

PS C:\htb> Get-AppLockerPolicy -Effective | select -ExpandProperty RuleCollections

And finish of with a Test of AppLocker Policy

PS C:\htb> Get-AppLockerPolicy -Local | Test-AppLockerPolicy -path C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe -User Everyone

Initial Enumeration

We can escalate privileges to one of the following depending on the system configuration and what type of data we encounter

The highly privileged NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account, or LocalSystem account which is a highly privileged account with more privileges than a local administrator account and is used to run most Windows services.

The built-in local administrator account. Some organizations disable this account, but many do not. It is not uncommon to see this account reused across multiple systems in a client environment.

Another local account that is a member of the local Administrators group. Any account in this group will have the same privileges as the built-in administrator account.

A standard (non-privileged) domain user who is part of the local Administrators group.

A domain admin (highly privileged in the Active Directory environment) that is part of the local Administrators group.

When we gain initial shell access to the host, it is vital to gain situational awareness and uncover details relating to the OS version, patch level, installed software, current privileges, group memberships, and more.

System Information

Looking at the system itself will give us a better idea of the exact operating system version, hardware in use, installed programs, and security updates. This will help us narrow down our hunt for any missing patches and associated CVEs that we may be able to leverage to escalate privileges.

C:\htb> tasklist /svc
svchost.exe                   2004 AppHostSvc
FileZilla Server.exe          1140 FileZilla Server
inetinfo.exe                  1164 IISADMIN

We need to be familiar with Windows processes such as Session Manager Subsystem (smss.exe), Client Server Runtime Subsystem (csrss.exe), WinLogon (winlogon.exe), Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS), and Service Host (svchost.exe)

In this output we would need to be interested in the FileZilla FTP server running and would attempt to enumerate the version to look for public vulnerabilities or misconfigurations such as FTP anonymous access

Display All Environment Variables

If the folder placed in the PATH is writable by your user, it may be possible to perform DLL Injections against other applications. Remember, when running a program, Windows looks for that program in the CWD (Current Working Directory) first, then from the PATH going left to right. This means if the custom path is placed on the left (before C:\Windows\System32), it is much more dangerous than on the right.

C:\htb> set

CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files

View Detailed Configuration Information

The systeminfo command will show if the box has been patched recently and if it is a VM. If the box has not been patched recently, getting administrator-level access may be as simple as running a known exploit. The System Boot Time and OS Version can also be checked to get an idea of the patch level

C:\htb> systeminfo
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
OS Version:                10.0.14393 N/A Build 14393
BIOS Version:              VMware, Inc. VMW71.00V.16707776.B64.2008070230, 8/7/2020
Network Card(s):           2 NIC(s) Installed.

If systeminfo doesn't display hotfixes, they may be queriable with WMI using the WMI-Command binary with QFE

C:\htb> wmic qfe

We can do this with PowerShell as well

PS C:\htb> Get-HotFix | ft -AutoSize

Installed Programs

WMI can also be used to display installed software and after that Run LaZagne to check if stored credentials for those applications are installed

C:\htb> wmic product get name

with PowerShell:

PS C:\htb> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product |  select Name, Version

Display Running Processes

The netstat command will display active TCP and UDP connections which will give us a better idea of what services are listening on which port(s) both locally and accessible to the outside.

PS C:\htb> netstat -ano

User & Group Information

Logged-In Users

It is always important to determine what users are logged into a system

C:\htb> query user
>administrator         rdp-tcp#2           1  Active          .  3/25/2021 9:27 AM

Current User

We always need to check what user context our account is running under first. Suppose we gain access as a service account. In that case, we may have privileges such as SeImpersonatePrivilege, which can often be easily abused to escalate privileges using a tool such as Juicy Potato.

C:\htb> echo %USERNAME%

Current User Privileges

C:\htb> whoami /priv

Current User Group Information

important to check if our user inherited any rights through their group membership? Are they privileged in the Active Directory domain environment

C:\htb> whoami /groups

Get All Users

Knowing what other users are on the system is important as well. If we captured for a user bob, and see a bob_adm user in the local administrators group, it is worth checking for credential re-use

C:\htb> net user

Get All Groups

C:\htb> net localgroup

Details About a Group

we may find a password or other interesting information stored in the group's description

C:\htb> net localgroup administrators

Get Password Policy & Other Account Information

C:\htb> net accounts

What service is listening on port 8080 (service name not the executable)?

Communication with Processes

The most common example of privesc through running services is discovering a web server like IIS or XAMPP running on the box, placing an aspx/php shell on the box, and gaining a shell as the user running the web server and hopefully have the SeImpersonate token, allowing for Rogue/Juicy/Lonely Potato to provide SYSTEM permissions.

Display Active Network Connections

C:\htb> netstat -ano

The main thing to look for with Active Network Connections are entries listening on loopback addresses ( and ::1) that are not listening on the IP Address ( or broadcast (, ::/0). The reason for this is network sockets on localhost are often insecure due to the thought that "they aren't accessible to the network."

a common local privilege escalation vector is the Erlang Port (25672) -> Erlang-arce blogpost from Mubix

Named Pipes

The other way processes communicate with each other is through Named Pipes. Pipes are essentially files stored in memory that get cleared out after being read.

the workflow looks like this:

  1. Beacon starts a named pipe of \.\pipe\msagent_12

  2. Beacon starts a new process and injects command into that process directing output to \.\pipe\msagent_12

  3. Server displays what was written into \.\pipe\msagent_12

We can use the tool PipeList from the Sysinternals Suite to enumerate instances of named pipes.

Listing Named Pipes with Pipelist

C:\htb> pipelist.exe /accepteula

PowerShell ->

PS C:\htb>  gci \\.\pipe\

we can use Accesschk to enumerate the permissions assigned to a specific named pipe by reviewing the Discretionary Access List (DACL), which shows us who has the permissions to modify, write, read, or execute a resource.

Reviewing LSASS Named Pipe Permissions

C:\htb> accesschk.exe /accepteula \\.\Pipe\lsass -v

Named Pipes Attack Example

This WindscribeService Named Pipe Privilege Escalation is a great example. Using accesschk we can search for all named pipes that allow write access with a command such as accesschk.exe -w \pipe\* -v and notice that the WindscribeService named pipe allows READ and WRITE access to the Everyone group

C:\htb> accesschk.exe -accepteula -w \pipe\WindscribeService -v

  Medium Mandatory Level (Default) [No-Write-Up]
  RW Everyone

Then we could leverage these lax permissions to escalate privileges on the host to SYSTEM.

Which account has WRITE_DAC privileges over the \pipe\SQLLocal\SQLEXPRESS01 named pipe?

PS C:\Tools\AccessChk> .\accesschk.exe /accepteula \pipe\SQLLocal\SQLEXPRESS01 -v

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