
Enumerating ACLs Powerview

Let's say we got the user wley, which we obtained after solving the last question in the LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning - from Linux.

We are going to use PowerView to see if this user has any interesting ACL rights that we could take advantage of.

PS C:\htb> Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1
PS C:\htb> $sid = Convert-NameToSid wley


PS C:\htb> Get-DomainObjectACL -Identity * | ? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq $sid}

ObjectDN               : CN=Dana Amundsen,OU=DevOps,OU=IT,OU=HQ-NYC,OU=Employees,OU=Corp,DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL
ObjectSID              : S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-1176
ActiveDirectoryRights  : ExtendedRight
ObjectAceFlags         : ObjectAceTypePresent
ObjectAceType          : 00299570-246d-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529
InheritedObjectAceType : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
BinaryLength           : 56
AceQualifier           : AccessAllowed
IsCallback             : False
OpaqueLength           : 0
AccessMask             : 256
SecurityIdentifier     : S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-1181
AceType                : AccessAllowedObject
AceFlags               : ContainerInherit
IsInherited            : False
InheritanceFlags       : ContainerInherit
PropagationFlags       : None
AuditFlags             : None

We could Google for the GUID value 00299570-246d-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529 and uncover this page showing that the user has the right to force change the other user's password.

Reverse Search & Mapping to a GUID Value

PS C:\htb> $guid= "00299570-246d-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529"
PS C:\htb> Get-ADObject -SearchBase "CN=Extended-Rights,$((Get-ADRootDSE).ConfigurationNamingContext)" -Filter {ObjectClass -like 'ControlAccessRight'} -Properties * |Select Name,DisplayName,DistinguishedName,rightsGuid| ?{$_.rightsGuid -eq $guid} | fl

Name              : User-Force-Change-Password
DisplayName       : Reset Password
DistinguishedName : CN=User-Force-Change-Password,CN=Extended-Rights,CN=Configuration,DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL
rightsGuid        : 00299570-246d-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529


PS C:\htb> Get-DomainObjectACL -ResolveGUIDs -Identity * | ? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq $sid} 

AceQualifier           : AccessAllowed
ObjectDN               : CN=Dana Amundsen,OU=DevOps,OU=IT,OU=HQ-NYC,OU=Employees,OU=Corp,DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL
ActiveDirectoryRights  : ExtendedRight
ObjectAceType          : User-Force-Change-Password
ObjectSID              : S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-1176
InheritanceFlags       : ContainerInherit
BinaryLength           : 56
AceType                : AccessAllowedObject
ObjectAceFlags         : ObjectAceTypePresent
IsCallback             : False
PropagationFlags       : None
SecurityIdentifier     : S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-1181
AccessMask             : 256
AuditFlags             : None
IsInherited            : False
AceFlags               : ContainerInherit
InheritedObjectAceType : All
OpaqueLength           : 0

We could've used ResolveGUIDs first but it's good to see how to manually do things if the client does not want us to put tools on his sytems

Creating a List of Domain Users

PS C:\htb> Get-ADUser -Filter * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SamAccountName > ad_users.txt

We then read each line of the file using a foreach loop, and use the Get-Acl cmdlet to retrieve ACL information for each domain user by feeding each line of the ad_users.txt file to the Get-ADUser cmdlet. We then select just the Access property, which will give us information about access rights. Finally, we set the IdentityReference property to the user we are in control of (or looking to see what rights they have), in our case, wley.

PS C:\htb> foreach($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines("C:\Users\htb-student\Desktop\ad_users.txt")) {get-acl  "AD:\$(Get-ADUser $line)" | Select-Object Path -ExpandProperty Access | Where-Object {$_.IdentityReference -match 'INLANEFREIGHT\\wley'}}

Once we have this data, we could follow the same methods shown above to convert the GUID to a human-readable format to understand what rights we have over the target user.

we started with the user wley and now have control over the user damundsen via the User-Force-Change-Password extended right. Let's use Powerview to hunt for where, if anywhere, control over the damundsen account could take us.

PS C:\htb> $sid2 = Convert-NameToSid damundsen
PS C:\htb> Get-DomainObjectACL -ResolveGUIDs -Identity * | ? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq $sid2} -Verbose

AceType               : AccessAllowed
ObjectDN              : CN=Help Desk Level 1,OU=Security Groups,OU=Corp,DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL
ActiveDirectoryRights : ListChildren, ReadProperty, GenericWrite

user damundsen has GenericWrite privileges over the Help Desk Level 1 group. This means, among other things, that we can add any user (or ourselves) to this group and inherit any rights that this group has applied to it.

Let's look and see if this group is nested into any other groups, remembering that nested group membership will mean that any users in group A will inherit all rights of any group that group A is nested into (a member of).

PS C:\htb> Get-DomainGroup -Identity "Help Desk Level 1" | select memberof

CN=Information Technology,OU=Security Groups,OU=Corp,DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL

So we can obtain any rights that the Information Technology group grants to its members if we just add ourselves to the Help Desk Level 1 group where our user damundsen has GenericWrite privileges.

Here is a recap:

recap where we're at:

  • We have control over the user wley whose hash we retrieved earlier in the module (assessment) using Responder and cracked offline using Hashcat to reveal the cleartext password value

  • We enumerated objects that the user wley has control over and found that we could force change the password of the user damundsen

  • From here, we found that the damundsen user can add a member to the Help Desk Level 1 group using GenericWrite privileges

  • The Help Desk Level 1 group is nested into the Information Technology group, which grants members of that group any rights provisioned to the Information Technology group

Let's look at what members of Information Technology can do

PS C:\htb> $itgroupsid = Convert-NameToSid "Information Technology"
PS C:\htb> Get-DomainObjectACL -ResolveGUIDs -Identity * | ? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq $itgroupsid} -Verbose

AceType               : AccessAllowed
ObjectDN              : CN=Angela Dunn,OU=Server Admin,OU=IT,OU=HQ-NYC,OU=Employees,OU=Corp,DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL
ActiveDirectoryRights : GenericAll

Get-DomainObjectACL shows us that members of the Information Technology group have GenericAll rights over the user adunn, which means we could:

  • Modify group membership

  • Force change a password

  • Perform a targeted Kerberoasting attack and attempt to crack the user's password if it is weak

Now we want to see if the adunn user has any type of interesting access that we may be able to leverage to get closer to our goal.

PS C:\htb> $adunnsid = Convert-NameToSid adunn 
PS C:\htb> Get-DomainObjectACL -ResolveGUIDs -Identity * | ? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq $adunnsid} -Verbose
ObjectAceType          : DS-Replication-Get-Changes-In-Filtered-Set
ObjectAceType          : DS-Replication-Get-Changes

adunn user has DS-Replication-Get-Changes and DS-Replication-Get-Changes-In-Filtered-Set rights over the domain object. This means that this user can be leveraged to perform a DCSync attack.

Enumerating ACLs with BloodHound

we can set the wley user as our starting node, select the Node Info tab and scroll down to Outbound Control Rights. This option will show us objects we have control over directly, via group membership, and the number of objects that our user could lead to us controlling via ACL attack paths under Transitive Object Control. If we click on the 1 next to First Degree Object Control, we see the first set of rights that we enumerated, ForceChangePassword over the damundsen user.


If we click on the 16 next to Transitive Object Control, we will see the entire path that we painstakingly enumerated above.

Finally, we can use the pre-built queries in BloodHound to confirm that the adunn user has DCSync rights.

What is the rights GUID for User-Force-Change-Password?


What flag can we use with PowerView to show us the ObjectAceType in a human-readable format during our enumeration?

What privileges does the user damundsen have over the Help Desk Level 1 group?


Using the skills learned in this section, enumerate the ActiveDirectoryRights that the user forend has over the user dpayne (Dagmar Payne).

$sid = Convert-NameToSid forend
Get-DomainObjectACL -Identity * | ? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq $sid}

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